Sunday, 7 June 2009

Best Night Of Our Lives


It's 00.42 am. Danielles sitting next to me. We just saw our favourite band , GOGOL BORDELLO live. We left 6 hours early and cued for 4 fucking hours in the Glasgow rain. To keep ourselves busy we beatboxed LOL occasionaly the band came past and waved and Eugene came past and we waved like fucks and he bowed at us.. we eventually got in and and obv were the first folk there so we were right at the front in the centre and the support band for fucking amazing, they were called Superamazoo and they had this beatboxing guy and he was so cool and they were crazy gypsy fucks too. The crowd were so fucking men tal and there was so much beer getting thrown and crowdsurfing it was unreal. They recorded it for the non-stop gogol mentuary. When they came on everything was ripped up and eugene had a bottle of wine and it was swigging everywhere and everyone went apeshit throghout. He started to throw wine at the audiecne and it kept landing on Danielle and it hit me in the eye and I couldnt see for like 10 minutes. The band kept looking down at us because I think they felt sorry that we cued for so long. Danielle yelled to Pam the percussionist 'I LOVE YOU!' when she looked down and Pam yelled back 'I LOVE YOU TOO!' and kept smiling at us, and we got winked at buy the guy in the amazing support band who was taking photos of us in the crowd and generally getting everyone to party. There was an encore and Eugene drummed on the fire buckets and had drumsticks in his mouth and threw the drumstick at Danielle caught it and was going to get beaten up for it so she had to hide it. Then they through the set list and i caught it and everyone was pissed of that we both got shit so I hid it down my top and ran. The whole way home we were really buzzing, and here we are. I'm away to get headache pills.

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